Anaheim Bicycle Accident Lawyer

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Anaheim Bicycle Accident Attorney

Bicycling is a healthy and enjoyable activity for thousands of people throughout the Anaheim area, but riding a bike near motor vehicle traffic is inherently dangerous. When accidents happen, bicyclists can potentially suffer life-changing injuries. If you or a family member has been injured in such an accident, it is crucial to speak with an Anaheim bicycle accident lawyer as quickly as possible to discuss your recovery options.

Best Anaheim Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Representing Bicycle Accident Victims in Anaheim, CA

Duque & Price helps injured clients in Anaheim and surrounding areas with all types of accident claims, including bicycle accidents. It’s common for injured bicyclists to suffer severe injuries, and they may have little to no memory of how their accidents happened. They may face long recovery times, inability to work and earn income, and experience tremendous pain and suffering due to the negligence of others.

Bicycle accidents can cause broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, damage to internal organs, facial and dental injuries, and much more. It’s common for victims of these accidents to suffer multiple serious injuries, and they may face very long and challenging recoveries. Some of these individuals may be unable to work during recovery, or they may be rendered unable to work at all because of the permanent harm they have suffered from their accidents.

If you believe a driver in the Anaheim area is responsible for causing your recent bicycle accident, you can rely on our team to help you hold them accountable. We take time to learn as much as we can about our client, their accident, and the effects it has had on their life and their family. You can rely on us to gather the evidence needed to build a strong case against the at-fault driver and guide you through your legal proceedings with confidence.

Recovering From Your Bicycle Accident in Anaheim

Every driver must have auto insurance that meets the state’s minimum liability coverage requirements, and when an accident happens, the at-fault driver’s auto insurance is meant to pay for the resulting damages. The injured victim will need to have evidence to prove fault for their accident, and then they will need to file a claim to the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier, showing the full extent of the damages they suffered.

Dealing with insurance companies is challenging due to the fact that they will almost always fight back against claims for compensation in whatever way they can. Insurance company representatives often hope that an injured client will accept the first settlement offer they receive out of desperation. However, if you have an experienced Anaheim bicycle accident lawyer representing you, they can negotiate with the insurance company for you.

You should not assume that an insurance claim payout will completely cover your damages. A personal injury suit can enable you to recover compensation for the full extent of your economic and non-economic damages, and success with a personal injury suit is more likely if you have legal representation you trust on your side. Duque & Price can aim to resolve your personal injury case efficiently and recover as much compensation as possible for your damages.


How Do You Prove Fault for a Bicycle Accident in Anaheim?

Proving fault for a bicycle accident in Anaheim will usually require several forms of evidence, such as footage from traffic cameras near the scene of the crash, vehicle computer data, cell phone data, and testimony from witnesses who saw the accident happen. If you believe another party is directly responsible for causing your accident, you must establish fault before you will be able to recover compensation for your damages.

Can I Claim Compensation if I Was Partially at Fault?

Yes, you can claim compensation if you were partially at fault, but you will lose a percentage of your settlement or verdict award to reflect your shared liability. California enforces a pure comparative fault rule, meaning if more than one party shares fault for a personal injury, each liable party has a fault percentage assigned that shows how much of the damages they must repay. If a plaintiff is partially at fault, their fault percentage is subtracted from their recovery.

What Should I Do First After a Bicycle Accident in Anaheim?

The first thing you should do after a bicycle accident in Anaheim, if you are physically able to do so safely, is call 911 to report the accident. This will ensure that first responders can get to the scene of the crash as quickly as possible, and it will generate a police report for the accident that you will need later. Seek medical care as soon as you can, and once your condition is stable, reach out to an Anaheim bicycle accident lawyer to discuss your legal options.

What Is a Bicycle Accident Claim Worth in Anaheim?

The total potential value of a bicycle accident claim in Anaheim largely depends on the severity of your damages. You may have suffered serious injuries that will take a long time to heal, and you can seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, property losses, and your pain and suffering from the party responsible for causing the accident. Your Anaheim bicycle accident lawyer can offer an estimate of your claim’s total potential value.

What Does It Cost to Hire an Anaheim Bicycle Accident Lawyer?

The cost to hire an Anaheim bicycle accident lawyer will be a percentage of your total compensation if you choose Duque & Price to represent you. We do not charge our clients any fees unless and until we recover compensation for them, and when we do win a case, our fee will be a percentage of the total amount recovered for the client. This policy ensures that legal counsel is accessible when you need it most.

Bicycle accidents can be life-changing, and if you have experienced such an incident and aren’t sure how to recover, you need to speak with an experienced Anaheim bicycle accident lawyer as quickly as possible. The team at Duque & Price has successfully helped many past clients recover from these incidents, and we can put this experience to work for you. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our team and learn how we can assist with your recovery.


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