Garden Grove Personal Injury Lawyer

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Garden Grove Personal Injury Attorney

At Duque & Price, we take enormous pride in our mission of providing swift, powerful, and accessible legal solutions for Garden Grove accident victims. Each Garden Grove personal injury lawyer from our firm is highly adept at handling wrongful death claims, car accidents, and work injuries of all types.

If you’ve been harmed by someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, you deserve compensation. Duque & Price can help you obtain it, with offices located in Garden Grove and throughout Southern California to conveniently serve you.

We assist accident victims who are facing a variety of challenging circumstances. Whether you need to take on corporate insurance companies trying to deny valid claims, are appealing a wrongful workers’ compensation denial, or find yourself on the emotionally fraught path to seeking justice for the wrongful death of a loved one, the team at Duque & Price is ready to offer the guidance you need to succeed.

We can help you get through this trying experience with excellent advice, compassionate support, and legal solutions designed to win substantial settlements.

Best Garden Grove Personal Injury Lawyer

Holding Liable Parties Accountable

Liable parties – sometimes including the insurance companies we count on in times of crisis – do not always readily pay what they should for claims or agree to fair settlements with victims of accidents. This resistance can be even more evident in the case that an incident has resulted in significant damages.

Do not let insurers or corporate lawyers bully you out of seeking justice or attempt to rush you into an inadequate settlement. You can receive compensation that can help you cover the costs of your injuries. This not only includes medical expenses and lost wages. It also extends to pain and suffering and certain other intangible damages.

At Duque & Price, we are well-equipped to handle personal injury claims. Our areas of focus include:

After being injured by another person’s negligence, you need powerful legal representation to help you seek a settlement or judgment in your favor. You can begin the process by reaching out to Duque & Price for an initial consultation.

Garden Grove Personal Injury Statistics

Garden Grove and California have a high population, meaning more personal injuries occur in the region. In 2021, California’s rate of preventable injuries was 53.2 per 100,000 people in 2021. While this rate was not higher than that of many other states, the total number of preventable injuries was vastly higher at 20,879. According to one study by the Bureau of Justice, 96% of all personal injury claims are settled outside of court.

Average Personal Injury Settlement Amounts in Garden Grove

The size of your personal injury settlement could be impacted by various factors. However, the more costly your damages, the larger your settlement amount should be. Cases involving medical malpractice often result in higher settlements, from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. However, most personal injury claims involve fewer losses and can range from a few thousand to a few tens of thousands of dollars.

Duque & Price: Powerful Legal Help With No Upfront Fees

One cornerstone of our approach to personal injury law is our commitment to making world-class legal help readily accessible to the good people of Garden Grove. When you’ve been injured, you might already be missing work or having difficulty paying your medical bills.

The last thing you need is hefty legal fees on top of these other financial stressors. That’s why, when we take on your case, you pay nothing until you have received compensation. That means no upfront legal fees to worry about while you focus on healing from your injury.

Below are some of the types of cases our Garden Grove personal injury lawyers are ready to handle on your behalf with no upfront payment required:

  • Car accidents. A collision that was the result of a distracted or careless driver can lead to serious and traumatic injuries requiring significant medical intervention, and your life can be forever changed. Settlements pursuant to California car accident cases are often substantial.
  • Drunk driving accidents. California takes driving under the influence extremely seriously, with stiff penalties imposed on those convicted of DUI. Unfortunately, despite these deterrents, drunk driving still causes many motor vehicle accidents in the area.
    If you have been injured at the hands of an intoxicated driver, we can help you sue for damages in civil court, in addition to any criminal actions being taken by the state against the perpetrator.
  • Wrongful death. Filing a wrongful death claim can be a painful and emotionally draining experience, but it can also be a path to obtaining compensation after the untimely passing of a family member. We are prepared to help our clients hold parties responsible for the negligence, recklessness, or misconduct that led to the tragic loss of their family member.
  • Motorcycle accidents. At Duque & Price, we understand the unique dangers bikers face on the road, and we can successfully litigate personal injury cases in that context. As your premier motorcycle accident attorneys in Garden Grove, we can help maximize settlements and ensure your day in court isn’t affected by unfair anti-motorcycle biases.
  • Trucking accidents and commercial vehicle accidents. A semi-truck represents a clear danger: tons of steel moving down a crowded highway at high speeds.
    Semi-trucks and other commercial vehicles, by their very nature, can be a serious hazard to pedestrians, cyclists, and other motorists. We can help you untangle complicated trucking accidents involving multiple parties like trucking companies and insurers.
  • Dog bite accidents. Many Californians love their canine companions and provide them with adequate training that keeps them from getting into unfortunate situations in Garden Grove neighborhoods.
    Unfortunately, not every individual shares this dedication to their pets, and dog bites remain an all-too-common hazard. Millions of Americans are attacked by dogs each year, with over half of the victims being children. Under California law, pet owners can be held liable for biting injuries in civil court.
  • Premises liability. Premises liability is known as a legal principle that defines the extent of a property owner’s liability for injuries and accidents that happen on the property they own. These types of claims can be anything from freak accidents like equipment malfunctions and falling debris to common slipping injuries. An initial consultation with Duque & Price can help you determine if you have a valid premises liability case.
  • Construction accidents. Garden Grove’s neighborhoods are always evolving. That means constant construction, which comes with inherent risks for workers, residents, and bystanders.
  • Injuries to the spinal cord and brain. A serious injury to the back, spinal cord, or head can result in irreparable damage, even potentially resulting in paralysis or irreversible cognitive damage in the case of a brain injury. Serious back, neck, brain, and spinal cord injuries can occur as the result of car accidents, falls, sports injuries, or any other situation where that area of the body is violently impacted.
  • Burn injuries. Serious burn injuries can happen due to a single mistake, especially in industrial workplaces using flammable materials. Burn injuries can be extremely painful, and if they are serious enough, they might require numerous surgeries and other costly treatments to overcome.
    After severe burn injuries, permanent disfiguration is possible. Many aspects of a burn injury are explicitly compensable under California law when someone other than the victim is responsible for the incident.
  • Medical malpractice. Medical malpractice occurs when treatment (or lack of proper treatment) from any type of medical professional results in serious injury or an avoidable exacerbation of the illness they were meant to treat.
    Serious negligence in a medical setting can lead to severe consequences like permanent injuries, disability, or death in the most extreme cases. Duque & Price can help injured and grieving parties hold medical professionals and health systems responsible for medical malpractice.
  • Elder neglect and abuse. Many investigations have shown that elder abuse happens frequently in nursing homes and long-term care facilities throughout the United States. Older adults are vulnerable members of society, especially when they have to count on family or medical professionals to assist them in meeting their day-to-day needs.
    If you or a loved one is being abused or neglected in a nursing home or similar facility, please reach out for a consultation as soon as possible. You do not need to feel powerless. Duque & Price can help you hold abusers accountable.

How a Garden Grove Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You

There are several ways a Garden Grove personal injury lawyer can assist you with your case:

  • Legal knowledge. One of any attorney’s core functions is to provide clients with legal advice that is timely, accurate, and actionable. Duque & Price has a track record of success dealing with personal injury cases of all types, and we are ready to put our impressive legal acumen to work seeking justice for you. With representation from us, you can navigate complex civil court processes with full confidence.
  • Investigation and evidence gathering. Your personal injury attorney in Garden Grove can help you gather all necessary evidence, documentation, and testimony to support your personal injury claim. This can include medical records, accident reports, photographs, and statements from witnesses, depending on what strategy your unique circumstances call for.
  • Powerful assistance in negotiations. Many personal injury cases are settled outside of court at the negotiation table. This is often beneficial for all parties, as it offers a more private resolution on a faster timeline. Our team is highly skilled at handling personal injury negotiations and can make sure you receive the maximum compensation to which you are entitled.
  • Assertive in-court representation. For those cases that can’t be solved through negotiation or other alternative dispute resolution methods, we are prepared to offer fierce advocacy in a court of law. Our work doesn’t end until you get paid for the wrongs you’ve suffered.
  • Maximum compensation. Our depth of experience in the realm of personal injury means we know exactly what an injury is worth once we have the details of the case. We can work to ensure you receive the maximum possible compensation for your injuries and other damages, advocating tirelessly for the inclusion of all economic and non-economic damages allowed under California law.

Personal Injury Lawyer FAQs

Q: How Do I File a Personal Injury Claim in California?

A: A personal injury claim in California typically begins by filing an initial petition with your local court. The Garden Grove personal injury lawyers at Duque & Price can help ensure your initial filing meets all legal standards so that the case moves forward swiftly. In certain circumstances, such as workers’ compensation injuries, the process may be governed by a framework outside of the regular civil court system. Check with your attorney for personalized advice on how to begin your case.

Q: What Should You Do if Someone Sues You for a Car Accident in California?

A: If you have been implicated as the responsible party in a car accident in California or elsewhere, it is advisable to seek legal counsel. A qualified civil defense attorney can assist you in responding to the claim, and they may be able to help you gather your own evidence and testimony to present a compelling case to the court in your defense.

Q: What Is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury in California?

A: The statute of limitations for a California personal injury case is two years from the date of the injury (or two years from the date of the discovery of harm, in situations where the injury wasn’t immediately observed). In certain extraordinary circumstances, this timeline may be subject to alterations, but you typically must act within two years to seek damages for an injury within the California civil court system.

Q: How Long After an Injury Can You File a Claim in California?

A: For most types of personal injury cases, there is no legally mandated waiting period to file a claim after an injury. However, you will want to leave yourself time to find suitable legal counsel, meet with your attorney, gather evidence, collect documentation of medical and other expenses, and perform other pre-action activities as suggested by your attorney. It is wise to act swiftly, but preparation is always essential, so a balance must be struck.

Duque & Price: Garden Grove’s Trusted Personal Injury Team

If you or a loved one has been injured in Garden Grove, CA, or the surrounding areas, you may be able to seek a significant compensation package for the damages you have suffered. Get in touch with our Garden Grove offices at your earliest convenience. We can begin the process of seeking justice with a confidential consultation to see if our legal services could be a good fit for your unique case.


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